7 Symptoms of a Spiritual Blockage that is Effecting You Now.

Do you often hear yourself say “I have a block!” but I don’t know what it is. Often you can feel resistance energy in your mind/body but can’t quite place where it comes from.

What is a spiritual blockage? A block is a feeling in the unconscious mind for which you have no understanding, or it maybe an understanding in the conscious mind for which you have no feeling. The lack of understanding can be due to a misunderstanding of an experience in your early life.

This is a subconscious pattern or concept you picked up in your first seven years of life. Because those first seven years you are absorbing thoughts, patterns, beliefs from your parents, environment, or even the entertainment around you. This becomes a conditioning. A spiritual block that isn’t your true feelings but one you identified with. It is something you keep repeating that isn’t working for you any longer. Wonderful news once you acknowledge the habit the healing can start.

7 Symptoms of a Spiritual Block are:

  • Fears
  • Guilts
  • Resentments
  • Shame
  • Grief
  • Hurts
  • Poor Self-Image

Of course there can be more but most people will identify with these or subcategories.


There is many people with anxiety issues which is a fear symptom. Working from a past experience of self-preservation or creating a what-could-be into the future. Neither is living in the present. Are you ready to let go of the past and move into limitless living?

Shame is often a spiritual block but one many may not recognize. It could be you put two different shoes on in 2nd grade and got made fun of in school. Perhaps you spilled a glass of milk and your grandfather embarrassed you in front of others. Not realizing what he just said but you carried it with you and began repeating a pattern that is no longer fulfilling.

Poor Self-Image is when you do not feel worthy or good enough. Perhaps a person had the most unattractive house on the street and felt embarrassed by it. Or wore their older siblings hand-me-downs rather than get new cloths just for themselves. This can create a concept that isn’t your true feelings. Once a person opens up and accepts the spiritual blockage, release the pattern and find solutions for the healing you can move into a life of living fully in your own power. Leaving behind old habits and creating more magic in your own life of possibility!

Ready to heal a Spiritual Blockage? During my “Discover Your Blockage Consultation” I will help you pinpoint the block in your timeline of life, recognize it and find positive solutions for it. Walk-away claiming a better day!!

Register today and release the spiritual blockage: https://www.aprilazzolino.com/product/blockage-discovery-profile/

Prerequisite: Orientation Profile Consultation/Angel & Intuition Consultation

Email April for a Free Discovery Call april@aprilazzolino.com

Original Authored Words By April Azzolino