Who are You? Why are you here at this time? As a soul you are a energy evolving spiritually. It takes many lifetimes to learn and grow all aspects of yourself. That is why you incarnate over and over again. Leaning many lessons along the way. It is the why of coming back to planet
I remember the first time I had a deja vu experience about a past life. I was 23 years old and had never traveled outside of the United States. I was sitting on a hotel balcony in Izmir,Turkey with my new boyfriend Bulent. Bulent was Turkish and he took me to Turkey to see his
Your are a soul with a body. Your spirit is a unique life force energy. No one has the same energy as you. You came to planet earth to learn and grow. There is something about your life force energy that only you have. It is something inside yourself you desired to learn and grow
Do you often hear yourself say “I have a block!” but I don’t know what it is. Often you can feel resistance energy in your mind/body but can’t quite place where it comes from. What is a spiritual blockage? A block is a feeling in the unconscious mind for which you have no understanding, or
Choosing to have a spiritual mentor is making a decision for guidance along your souls evolution. Trusting me as your mentor and creating a step by step path for more confidence, strength, and living from the inside out. Instead of living by society’s measures. Gaining wisdom of who you are and where you are going.
In my own life I have these few keys to enhance my spirit to live more solid. Now I am passing them on to you. I hope you enjoy using them as a daily practice because life is a practice of having spiritual tools in creating a strong inner pivot. Throughout the many cultures of

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnotherapy, hypnosis, or self-hypnosis is all self-hypnosis. You can think of hypnosis as a state of deep relaxation (like meditation) or changing limitations for freedoms instead. Guiding you on achieving your goals in life. Hypnosis is not mind control like you may have seen in the movies. Remember movies are made to entertain you. Hypnosis
There is a rhythm in the evolution of your state of consciousness. Every seven years an energy stream of changes. Imagine having a garden that you nurture. You will have a plentiful bounty. Imagine not taking care of your garden or fertilizing your garden you may end up with weeds. There are stages in your
In the fall of ’86 I was in SoHo, Manhattan, New York City inside a art gallery with a few girlfriends. For some of us it was our first trip to New York City. I was in my early ’20’s being a creative hairstylist. I remember on this trip while walking the streets of Manhattan
I grew up in a religious traditional experience. I was on the Bible Quiz Team at my local church and sang in the teen choir. I was immersed in the church from birth. I grew up in small town in Kentucky population 500 at the time. It was a time of wonder, love for your