Unlock the Secret Key in Living Your Life Purpose

Your are a soul with a body. Your spirit is a unique life force energy. No one has the same energy as you. You came to planet earth to learn and grow. There is something about your life force energy that only you have. It is something inside yourself you desired to learn and grow from. You could say it is the embodiment or mantra of words that your energy is here to express.

It is the secret key of living more fulfilled in your daily adventures of life on planet earth. When being off balanced you most likely are off-key in your own spiritual thrust/purpose of life.

What is a Spiritual Thrust? Imagine the rays of the sun beaming forward to everything or everyone it reaches. That is what your own spiritual thrust of energy does. Your personal energy has it’s own uniqueness. It will attract the energy of others to you when in balance. It is a set of keywords, phrase, or sentence that encapsulates your extraordinary energy. Understanding your own personal spiritual thrust unlocks a hidden secret in living more fully your purpose in life of what you are expressing as a energy source. It is a innate part of your human essence.

Unlocking this secret sauce of life begins a whole new chapter of really seeing where you fit in life. It means you can begin peeling back layers of when, where and why you do the things you do. Or if you really want to do those things.

Asking yourself key questions of does my spiritual thrust fit in my personal, business, or social opportunities today? Is advantageous way to having a blueprint to all the things you do. Also understanding how it fits in your spiritual gifts of Intuition, Vision, Prophecy, and Feeling. This method will be a guide to your well-being, unlocking what most people do not know about themselves.

Your purpose isn’t about your careers or jobs but more about fulfilling that unique expression of yourself. That is aligning yourself to all you do in life. From washing the kitchen dishes to sharing yourself with others. It is your personal statement that you express your gifts and talents through.

This lifetime my Spiritual Thrust Statement is “Healing is My Way.” If you are near my energy field you may feel this essence of me flowing outward to you like the rays of the sun.

Each one of us has our own unique vibration of energy and you are here to express your personal spiritual thrust in living your life purpose in all your opportunities.

Desire to learn your own Spiritual Thrust to unfold your personal spiritual mantra and how it works through your spiritual gifts. Register Here for a first consultation: https://www.aprilazzolino.com/product/personal-thrust-part-1/

The secret of your life purpose is a feeling imbued with words—Your Unique Spiritual Thrust Expressed By You!!

Once Registered a email will be sent for dates/times. Sessions given over Zoom.

Other Spiritual Thrust Sessions are https://www.aprilazzolino.com/product/inner-guidance-and-my-personal-thrust/ or a Spiritual Thrust Update https://www.aprilazzolino.com/product/personal-thrust-part-2/

Ask April for A Free 30 minute Discovery Call on her private sessions contact: april@aprilazzolino.com

Original Authored Words by April Azzolino