Magnetizing Your Law of Attraction

I have learned the words I say create my own destiny.

What words are you saying to yourself? Subconscious attitudes influence our law of attraction.

These attitudes may sabotage your success of attracting people, things, or money into your life.

Many of these attitudes were formed in our first seven years of life.

Let’s explore five foundations of a abundant consciousness.

Are your thoughts in a state of abundance or a poverty state of consciousness?

Examples of a poor state consciousness:

  • There will never be enough.
  • Times are tough.
  • Money slips through my fingers”.
  • “I can’t afford that.”
  • Rich people are………….(Negative tone)
  • “I am too poor to own those things.”
  • Fear of change.

Five Foundations of Attracting Abundance

  1. Being thankful and appreciative for what you do have and attract. Practicing writing a daily list of 5 things that you are grateful for. Making a list keeps your abundance flowing instead of a lack mentality. Being grateful for your morning coffee, hot shower, roof over your head. Helps a person realize how much you do have. What are you grateful for today?
  2. Having an attitude that there is plenty for everyone. Instead of feeling there is scarcity, or not enough. Just by giving a smile, hug, or thank you; you are sharing that you have plenty to give. Where do you hold yourself back in life by thinking there is not enough?
  3. What you put out (Effort) is what you get back (Success) What areas in your life can you put more action into your life goals? Maybe lead a meeting for you boss, getting up earlier to workout at the gym, learning something new. The more energy you put into your goals the more success you optimize. What area in your life can you put more action in?
  4. Willing to ask for help. Are you willing to ask for help? We all have spiritual contracts with each other by asking for help you allow this assistance to be given fulfilling the purpose. Creating a benefit with each other. Magnifying plenty.
  5. Reprogram subconscious attitudes. Limiting beliefs of doubts, guilt of the past, resentments, procrastination, fears and habits hinder attracting your personal abundance. Life is a learning and growth experience. In what areas can you improve upon beginning now?

Keys in solving:

Review each of the five foundations and decide which one is the weakest then take daily action steps in strengthening that specific foundation. Then the next week take another foundation and build upon it. By doing this each week you are building your inner world and truly creating the life you want to have.

I can help you have the abundant, fun life you want through private hypnosis sessions working on your goals.

Hypnosis is the cousin to meditation with a purpose. You will unlock the power of you subconscious mind with each session building upon the last session.

You will learn a hypnosis technique in your first session that will strengthen your goals. Living your best life is personal power you decide.

April Azzolino – Your Mentor and Coach to a better life.