The Fourth Chakra of Empathy

Do you ever have troubles identifying with other individual’s? Do you often have stomach aches or indigestion issues?

This chakra affects our solar plexus and is located on top of the kidneys. It effects the adrenals; which is often referred to as flight or fright gland. When our emotions become high such as anger or frustrations this stimulates the fourth chakra the solar plexus. This area is about identification of ourselves and the environments we live in. Being able to have empathy with detachment is a key note in having balance with our solar plexus.

Being able to relate to your own feelings,desires, & necessities while not getting involved in other’s people troubles or your own life challenges relieves pressure from this gland. Having the ability to sail your own ship while other’s our sailing their ship will help you relate better with yourself and them.

  • Minding my own business, remaining true to my wants, and understanding the difference between empathy and sympathy will allow the flow of energy to function freely. Going with the flow and embracing life to it’s fullest!!

Processing our life situations and circumstances and having spiritual tools for our toolbox can help you identify a course of action as a guidepost. The Chakra Balancing Spiritual Consultation is just that tool that can be used for years to come. You receive a clear understanding of the out-of-balance percentage in a particular chakra at this time and a technique in chakra clearing. I have know many people heal themselves from this unique self-discovery technique included in this consultation.

Use these techniques in keeping a healthy solar plexus:

  • Yoga Poses for this chakra-Plank,Bow Pose,Child’s Pose,Corpse Pose
  • Affirmation-I maintain my clear direction and identify my feelings and thoughts from others.

What is possible in staying detached from other’s problems and remaining loyal to yourself to be spiritual free today?

Learn more about your own Chakra’s and how they are balance when your receive your own Chakra Balancing Consultation where you can view from the home page!

Stay Tuned for The Chakra of Drive(Heart)