The Second Chakra of Aspirations

The second chakra of the coccyx is located at the small base of the spine and is associated with the spinal cord.It works with fulfilling our wants in the glandular system. A want is a desire for something. It maybe related to achieve a desire, accomplish a goal, or a progression in your life plan. Understanding oneself and having the ability to go into action for what you want in life.

At times we may not be able to pinpoint what we want which can put pressure on the coccyx; this creates the out-of-balance chakra. You may feel you want something but talk yourself out of it, sabotaging yourself, because you may think you don’t deserve it. It is just a pattern of thinking which can be re-created.

The coccyx is related to aspirations. A strong,desire, longing or aim. Setting goals related to achievement, income, advancing oneself in your personal plan while living in a physical body.

  • The associated color for this is orange.

Visualizing your goals accomplishes your creative subconscious, it programs your brain in achieving your dreams,activates the law of attraction. It will also put less pressure on the particular gland so you live in more harmony.

  • A favorite quote of mine from Jack Canfield-“You only have control over three things in your life-the thoughts you think,the images you visualize, and the actions you take.”

So take a few minutes each week and tune back in with spirit on goals you want to accomplish and set out to take action on them. Step-by-step a goal is achieved.

  • Yoga posture that help balance this gland are cat-cow pose,cobra pose,downward facing dog and reclining twist.

Here is a technique in balancing your second Chakra of the coccyx:

  • Have three index cards. At the top of each card write personal, business, social. Now ask you inner guidance for a goal you are ready to attain for each category and write it down.Each morning and evening go through the cards, one at a time,read the card, close your eyes,see the completion of that goal in its perfect desired state for 15 seconds, open your eyes and repeat to the next card. With this technique you will be tune with spirit and healing your coccyx!!

Stay tuned in for the The Third Chakra of Maturity(Reproductive)

When receiving the private spiritual consultation Chakra Balancing Profile you will get a understanding of how you put pressure on a specific gland and a percentage of balance of each chakra. Then you will receive a healing technique in keeping the flow of energy in balance.