The Chakra System & The First Chakra

There is a lot of talk about the chakra’s but I wanted to give you another perspective from what most have been taught in the traditional way of thinking. Most of us have been taught a system starting from the root then up to the crown. I want to give you another point of view; that the first chakra starts from the crown. Yes, from the crown!!!

So what is a ‘Chakra’; the word comes from the Sanskirt language meaning a revolving wheel or vortex of energy inside the human body.This energy flows from each chakra through our body as a electrical pathway through our system. Each chakra has different place in our bodies and relates to our health and well-being. Our thoughts,emotions, and beliefs influence each spinning wheel. Out-of-balance attitudes puts pressure which can create a dis-ease within our body. By keeping our emotions and thoughts in balance we create a energy flow through our body for greater wellness.

  • The color and flow of energy is also been establish in several different cultures.

In this system the first chakra is the Pineal Gland in the glandular system. It is the inflow of spirit or the messages from which your angels connection is linked.It is located at the top of the head,between the two halves of the brain. It is said to be the “Angel” gland that connects us to that realm. Both words (pineal/angel) have similar spellings and pronunciations. It is called the crown chakra or the thousand petal lotus. This is were you receive thoughts and feelings.  Spiritual energy begins flowing in here first making this the first chakra.

This first chakra also relates to self-acceptance. Self-acceptance is the awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses;having happiness with yourself. Feelings of satisfaction and accepting of other’s.

Practices for keeping a healthy first chakra are,laughing,tapping(in between brows), and spinning.

Here is a technique in keeping a well balance first chakra:

Ask yourself which of the four qualities can you improve on?

  • 1.Positive Self-Attitude.
  • 2.Acknowledging and Accepting all aspects of yourself.
  • 3.Being critical on your identity.
  • 4.Wishing you were different than what you already are.

Write one and why you can improve on this. Write three steps that will be immediate action on improvement.

By tuning in and pin pointing what you can now do differently you will begin a process of working with spirit and refining your personal energy.

If you would like to know more on how your Glandular system is doing I provide a Chakra Balancing Profile Consultation were you will receive insights and a heal thyself healing technique in keeping your chakra system balance for the rest of your life!!!

Stay tuned in to learn about Chakra #2

2 Comments to “ The Chakra System & The First Chakra”

  1. Jim Nott says :

    April, Thank you for the info on the 1st Chakra. For practices in keeping a healthy first Chakra by laughing, tapping (in between eye brows), and spinning, I understand how we can laugh and tap using the conscious mind, but I’m not sure how to consciously affect the spinning of the energy in the Chakras. Jim

    1. April Azzolino says :

      Jim, Thank you for reading the blog. Just as in the 5 Tibetan exercises the first rite is a spinning exercise.I recommend doing the spinning from 5 to 21 repetitions; working your way by increasing repetitions. Stand with your arms outstretched and facing horizontal to the floor, palms facing down. Make sure your arms are in line with your shoulders. Your feet should be about hip distance apart. Focus on a spot in front of you so you can count your rotations. Spin around clockwise until you become a little dizzy. Gradually increase the number from 5 to 21. Remember to breathe with each spin. Happy spinning and clearing your first chakra!!!