The Fifth Chakra of Incentive

Your fifth charka lies within the heart.

It is our feeling nature which we create and evolve our lives. The ability in taking any activity and following through for our own success is the power behind the heart chakra. This in itself is having self-respect for who we are and what we want to accomplish while living here on planet earth.

Having the incentive to go into action by your heart’s desire to attain whatever you want in life creates motivation and purpose. This is a catalyst in providing your inspirations and balancing your head and heart.

If you have problems understanding what you want in life and start depending on other’s to fulfill our heart’s desire this puts pressure on your heart chakra. You may experience more respiratory issue or colds. So getting clear on your motives of what you want in life balances the heart chakra.

  • Accepting responsibility and taking the initiative for oneself is allowing energy flow through your fifth chakra and keeps a healthy heart!!

What is possible in unconditional love for yourself and then other’s.

  • Is it time to forgive old wounds in your personal relationships either from the past or present so you then can move forward in living a healthy human experience? Holding onto past negative experiences manifest itself into physical form. What is possible in believing you are worthy in being ‘unstuck’.

Here is a few tools in a healthy Fifth Chakra of the Heart(Incentive):

  • Yoga Poses for the Heart: Cobra,Camel,Up-ward Facing Dog, Cat.

 Questions in Healing:

  • Who do I need to forgive to move forward and letting go of old wounds that no longer serve me? Compassion in loving you as a unique vibration is a gold key.
  • What is a first step in creating your heart’s desire?
  • When is a good time to start planning,creating, and being fearless in taking action on specific goals in your personal life? Be courageous your heart will thank you!

With love in my heart; I wish you a happy heart in all your wishes,hopes, and dreams. Understand how to balance your own Heart Chakra when you receive the Chakra Balancing Consultation view on the Home Page! April Azzolino

Stayed Tuned for the upcoming chakra’s!!



2 Comments to “ The Fifth Chakra of Incentive”

  1. Just stopping by to say hello and to let you know that I read your blog. 🙂

    1. April Azzolino says :

      Thank You Jarielyn for letting me know.I hope you enjoy the blog and find it informative. Keeping tuning in for current issue’s. Blessings dear one,April